
Everything You Need For Lash Extension Aftercare At PLA  

Aftercare for lash extensions is probably one of the most important parts of retention. If you want to keep your lashes looking full and beautiful, you have to take care of them! 

Lash Extensions Aftercare Made Easy With PLA

For lash techs, arming your clients with the best tools to care for their lash extensions is key to giving an excellent service. Don’t be caught without all the products they need to keep their lash sets healthy and full. 

From Lash Shampoo To Eyelash Spoolies, We’re Your One-Stop Shop

With PLA, you don’t have to worry about whether or not you forgot anything. We have it all right here, from lash cleanser to lash spoolies, so you can send your customers off with the knowledge and product for awesome retention.

Shop Our Other Lash Extension Supplies Here